Telemedicine/Vidyo Support:

Vidyo Connect Desktop Link:

Can’t log in / Vidyo wont launch:
If Vidyo won’t launch and/or you see an “Oops” message, its usully because the browser tried to automatically log you in, but used UC crdentials (not UCH). Another clue is you probably werent asked to enter any login info when Vidyo launched. Solutions:

  1. Clear all your browser settings and cached info (but that removes all login info), OR better yet

  2. Use another browser JUST for Vidyo: Open another browser (Firefox, Edge, Safari) enter, it should ask you to login, use UCH info. Then make that Vidyo link/page the homepage. That browser will always use the correct UCH info if you only use it for Vidyo.

You should see one of the 2 left iamges below. If you see the far right Oops! image its auto using UC login info::


Internal or Offsite issues:
Text Todd: Text Todd
Call Todd: Call Todd
IT Support: Email UCH Telehealth Support (Goes to UCH, Todd and Jess)
UC Health iPad issues: Call 513-585-MYPC or ask that a staff member reports the issue to IS&T

Vidyo related issues: UC Health-based tech support team:

When you send your report, include the following basic information for troubleshooting:
OS version: 
Vidyo version: 